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Dress up Parade

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Thoughts and Ideas


It is that time of year again when we turn our thoughts to the Dress Up Parade and what costume we might wear. This year's theme is 'Reading is magic'. We can explore this theme with multiple lenses. 

The Oxford Dictionary defines magic as having or using special powers to make impossible things happen or seem to happen, which I think pretty much sums up the phenomena of learning to read!

In the context of the brainstorming costume ideas, we can view it simply by thinking about magicians and spellcasters such as magi, fairies and wizards. Harry Potter may be the first character to come to mind but there are so many other wonderful wielders and dirty dealers of magic. Please click here to find our Year 5+ 'Reading is magic' book list and here to find our K - 4 'Reading is magic' book list to inspire your costume choices.

Magicians enjoy a rich history in mythology and legends so you may like to dress as your favourite mythological hero. 

We can also explore magic as an adjective defined as 'wonderful and exciting'. Brainstorm a book that evokes these feelings, your favourite book, a special book shared with a loved one enveloped in wonderful memories or even that first book that kickstarted your reading journey. The options are endless. We look forward to seeing your creations on Tuesday, 20 August at 8.45am in the Sports Centre. 



Tips & Tricks


  1. Keep it simple. Use what you have in your wardrobe or dress up box. 

  2. DIY costumes can be fun. However, we all live busy lives so whatever works for you, works for us.

  3. Have a chat with your child and help them decide. Giving them the choice allows them to feel apart of the process and builds excitement.

  4. Plan early!

  5. If you don't have the book, print out a copy of the book cover. Pin it to your costume or attach a ribbon so you can hang it around your neck. It makes it easy for your friends to recognise your book character. 

  6. Every costume is wonderful. Every child should feel 'magical'. Remember to smile and have fun!


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Click HERE or on the image above to access some great costume DIY projects from Spotlight. 

Simple Costume Ideas

Prep - Year 2

What you need:

What you need:

What you need:

rainbow magic.jpg
  • Wings and wand

  • Blue overalls

  • White T-shirt

  • Pink jacket

bad guy.jpg
  • Black jacket

  • White shirt

  • Black pants

  • Downloadable mask here

ninja kid.png
  • Black backpack

  • Red T-shirt

  • Black Shorts

  • Blue mask

What you need:

What you need:

What you need:

netball star.jpg
  • Green t-shirt

  • WA pinned on

  • Green shorts/skirt

  • Ball

ginger green.jpg
  • Blue t-shirt

  • Blue hat

  • Yellow paper for logo

  • Paper to make tail

  • Dink dress

  • Hair bow

  • Attach homemade Fox ears

ella and olivia.jpg
beast quest book.jpg
  • Star sunglasses

  • Feather boa

  • green t-shirt

  • pig-tails

  • Blue shirt

  • Brown pants

  • Homemade shield

  • Homemade sword

  • Template here

Coming soon...

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